Thursday, September 25, 2014

My favorite holiday

The summer of last year (2014) I went with my boyfriend and friends at south of Chile. My friend what went with me are: Sebastián, Daniela, Alejandra and Pablo. We idea was to arrive to Chiloé, but all could´t. We visited Los Angeles, Pucón, Villarica and Valdivia.

The travel began in Los Angeles. We were at home´s grandfather of Alejandra. He was very nice with us. Every morning, he made breakfast for all. We travel at near place at Los Angles as Santa Bárbara and Nacimiento.

After We went at  Pucón and Villarica. The time was very bad, besides some days we slept in the forest. We were spent cold. But It was a beautiful experience because we visited at lake Villarrica and we knew the different reality what are Villarica and Pucón.

Finally, We travel at Valdivia. I love Valdivia because is a beautiful city and the valdivianos are friendly people. We went at Mercado, museums, Universidad Austral de Chile and its enormous  botanical garden and casino. We knew different island as Corral and Teja. In corral we drank very beer and ate  delicious kuchen.

After of Valdivia, I and my boyfriends follow to travel alone and us friends came back to Santiago. Right next to we travel to Puerto Varas.

This holiday was very fantastic for me because I knew a very beautiful place of Chile, also because I was with people important for me.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Photograph in Puerto Varas

This is my favorite photograph. On  it is my boyfriend and me. We are in Salto del Petrohué in Puerto Varas. This is an place wonderful. We went on  holiday in south of Chile. We idea were to arrive to Chiloé, but we spend all money.

 This photograph was taken  for Coke, a friend. I and my boyfriend went alone, but we met at Coke and his girlfriend in Salto del Petrohué. The meeting was casual, but we were very happy. 

It shows a landscape beautiful: the volcano Osorno, a forest and the river. It shows us, too. In this day we were very happy because we had been waiting with anxious know this place. And it was magic.

The photograph is very important for me because that vacations was the best of my life. This photograph recaptures all emotions that I lived. 

I recommend to know Puerto Varas, in particular Salto del Petroé because it is a unforggetable place and the southern people is very friendly. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dallas Buyers Club

My favorite movie is "Dallas Buyers Club" . This movie is about a homophobic cowboy what he gives virus VIH. This man discovers that the medical treatment is a experiment, so he look for alternative treatment. For it, he decides to travel to Mexico whit your new friends Rayon. And he changes in trafficker of alternative medicine. The story takes place Dallas, a city of the United States. There live Matthew Woodroof (McConaughey). He is the principal actor. He is a homophobic cowboy,drug addict, ladies man and very sexist. But he knows at Rayon (Jared Leto) a transvestite what she has VIH, too. And they do (se hacen) good friends. The doctor Eve Saks ( Jennifer Garner) helps them. My favorite part is when Woodroof accept at Rayon. Woodroof was very homophobic. I would dislike the people different. But when he knows at Rayon, Woodroof has what learn to value him, because Rayon is a person beautiful. In one moment Woodroof help at Rayon when a young pérsons would discriminate against in a supermarket. I love this part because It´s very emotional. I don´t change anything in the movie because It has good direction and good actions.