My favorite movie is "Dallas Buyers Club" . This movie is about a homophobic cowboy what he gives virus VIH. This man discovers that the medical treatment is a experiment, so he look for alternative treatment. For it, he decides to travel to Mexico whit your new friends Rayon. And he changes in trafficker of alternative medicine.
The story takes place Dallas, a city of the United States. There live Matthew Woodroof (McConaughey). He is the principal actor. He is a homophobic cowboy,drug addict, ladies man and very sexist. But he knows at Rayon (Jared Leto) a transvestite what she has VIH, too. And they do (se hacen) good friends. The doctor Eve Saks ( Jennifer Garner) helps them.
My favorite part is when Woodroof accept at Rayon. Woodroof was very homophobic. I would dislike the people different. But when he knows at Rayon, Woodroof has what learn to value him, because Rayon is a person beautiful. In one moment Woodroof help at Rayon when a young pĂ©rsons would discriminate against in a supermarket. I love this part because It´s very emotional.
I don´t change anything in the movie because It has good direction and good actions.
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